News from an unidentifiable location
Dear Subscriber:
Not necessarily because of Covid or the state of the world, I write to you from the now-secret location of my recently camouflaged painting bunker (formerly known as “studio), hidden a couple hundred feet of difficult alpine terrain from my house. Persistent snow has made isolation and disguise nearly impenetrable.
Nevertheless, from within these walls recent news leaks out.

Light in the World triptych, oil on linen, each canvas 60 x 40 inches
Just completed are a triad of paintings that were commissioned by an unnamed philanthropic organization. They will be installed at the organization’s headquarters this spring. Together the canvases form a triptych titled Light in the World which measures 5 x 10 feet. I am very proud to have these works prominently displayed in their new headquarters where good work is done.

Glen Onoko (Lower Falls), oil on linen, 54 x 38 inches
In other painting-placement news, I am honored to have my work chosen for the 21st time to be exhibited at a US embassy through the Department of State’s Art-in-Embassies program. This painting is of a Pennsylvania waterfall that was suddenly and permanently - closed to the public just days after I visited. There were too many safety concerns and rescues, none of them mine. A smaller version I painted of this subject owned by the Brinton Museum in Big Horn, WY, is titled Forbidden Falls and now you don’t have to guess why. This large work will be installed in our embassy in Ottawa, where it is on loan for the length of Ambassador David L. Cohen’s tenure, returning home in 2025. I should note that it remains technically available for a collector.
Thank you for subscribing to these missives. When I am able to communicate further intelligence that may be of import, I will. I trust you are safe and well in the meantime.
Best wishes,