![]() OUT: Longwinded Quarterly or Semi-Annual Newsletters IN: Short updates The quick news: I have been immersed in work for my upcoming traveling museum solo shows. I will cover that later, because from now on, rather than saving up a bunch of news and releasing it like a WikiLeaks dump, I will simply send you a short, focused note when there is something to report. I'll call them "Updates", not "Newsletters", and try to restrict them to one or two items, like this one. #1 Exhibition opening this weekend at The Butler Institute of American Art. I generally don't apply for juried shows but I happened to see that Charlotte art aficionado Jerald Melberg, along with artist Thomas McNickle, was the juror for this show. I never met him, but know that he has an astute eye and interesting taste in art. I figured it should be a quality show, so I applied. Two of my oil paintings were chosen for the show.
#2: Here is an article on my work, by Charley Parker in Lines and Colors, from my most recent solo show in Philadelphia. http://www.linesandcolors.com/2013/02/11/thomas-paquette-souvenir/ Check my "News" page for more news.