September 18, 2019

(A very swift) Current exhibition / Blogged

Dear Subscriber:

I have been spoiled by long museum exhibitions. For the past couple years, if you missed the opening reception or the first few weeks of my exhibition, I could suggest that you just go another month, or even another year at a different venue.
Not so for my current exhibition, Defined by Water.

An installation view of Defined by Water at Gross McCleaf Gallery

The show opened at Gross McCleaf Gallery (Philadelphia) just eleven days ago, and will close at the end of next week (Saturday Sept 28). Three weeks never seemed so short!

So, if you intend to see it before it vanishes (and I do encourage you to see the new paintings in person for their complex textures and colors), you will need to hurry.

Charley Parker, who lives in Philadelphia and writes about art (and makes it and teaches it, as well), has written about this exhibition in his blog, It is amply illustrated.

Museum additions / Magazined

One of my small oil paintings, Clinton Bridge Study (its larger version is somewhat visible in the above installation photo), has just become part of the Dubuque Museum of Art collection. Also, a larger canvas from my exhibition there, the one that features the bridge at Dubuque (Cross Traffic, Dubuque, shown below) was purchased by one of the museum's board members with the intention of eventually donating it to DuMA's collection.

Cross Traffic, Dubuque, 30 x 34


The September/October edition of Fine Art Connoisseur magazine on newsstands now features one of my paintings – the aforementioned Cross Traffic –in an article titled "On, By, and Over the Water".


That’s as much news as will fit in this nutshell, which is how I like to deliver it. Days are short enough, and I do not wish to squander your time more than a pecan or so.

I do appreciate your subscribing to my newsletter. Thank you for your comments and questions!

- Thomas

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