February 23, 2017

Non-fake news

Dear Subscriber:

If you need a break from the hoopla of current events, you can always turn to news from my studio.

photo: McKenna Moran

Earlier this week NPR-affiliate station WBFO in Buffalo, NY, broadcast a piece about my landscape paintings and their relation to appreciation of natural environments. Morning Edition host Jay Moran and McKenna Moran drove the few hours to my studio and we spent some time in wide-ranging conversation while looking at paintings. Back in Buffalo, he magically transformed these discussions and his impressions into a cogent story for radio listeners.

You can play it on WBFO's site. Or get the audio from my site.

[I can vouch: this is not fake news. Check elsewhere for that.]

You may also want to read the text story on the web page. I discovered it is not a transcript, but a parallel narrative. There are photos, too, that McKenna shot of works in progress. More about those works in progress in my next newsletter....

Thank you for subscribing!

- Thomas